C# – How to dinamically select a DataTemplate for each item in a list

Using a DataTemplateSelector, we can determine at runtime which DataTemplate to apply to show items in a ItemsControl derivated control like the GridView, ListView, ListBox, etc. For example, suppose we have a list of items of the below type: And we want to show either text or image content in the same list, based on … Continue reading “C# – How to dinamically select a DataTemplate for each item in a list”

C# – How to make items of ListView fill the entire list width

One thing that happened to me often was the items of an ItemsControl derivative (like a ListBox or ListView) not fill the full width of the list when was defined a DataTemplate for the ItemTemplate of the list. For example, the Xaml code below: … produces this: It should be noted that despite <Grid HorizontalAlignment=”Stretch”>, … Continue reading “C# – How to make items of ListView fill the entire list width”

GNU/Linux – How to install WordPress on Debian 8 (Jessie)

In this guide we will be showing step by step how to install the latest version of WordPress (currently 4.2.2) and the entire software stack required for it to function on Debian 8 Jessie and Debian 7 Wheezy. This is a first install guide of WordPress and not an upgrade. Preparing Your System For WordPress … Continue reading “GNU/Linux – How to install WordPress on Debian 8 (Jessie)”

GNU/Linux – Understanding file and directory permissions

The Unix operating system (and likewise, GNU/Linux) differs from other computing environments in that it is not only a multitasking system but it is also a multi-user system as well. It means that more than one user can be operating the computer at the same time. For example, if your computer is attached to a … Continue reading “GNU/Linux – Understanding file and directory permissions”

C# – Implementing Finalize and Dispose to clean up resources

Class instances often encapsulate control over resources that are not managed by the runtime, such as window handles (HWND), database connections, and so on. Therefore, you should provide both an explicit and an implicit way to free those resources. To provide explicit control, implement the Dispose method provided by the IDisposable interface. The consumer of … Continue reading “C# – Implementing Finalize and Dispose to clean up resources”